Spiritual & Professional Growth

"All of the great spiritual traditions want to awaken us to the fact that we co-create the reality in which we live.

And all of them ask two questions intended to help keep us awake:

What are we sending from within ourselves out into the world, and what impact is it having "out there"?

What is the world sending back at us, and what impact is it having "in here"?

We are continually engaged in the evolution of self and world-we have the power to choose, moment by moment, between that which gives life and that which deals death."
(Parker Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness, p. 48)

Sacred Vocation

This program is designed to nurture the spirit of health care workers and help them acknowledge their value and connect at a deeper level with their work. The second goal is to engage the workplace in a participatory change process, so workers experience meaningful work.

Faculty Renewal Group

The John P. McGovern, M. D. Center for Health, Humanities, and the Human Spirit is committed to nurturing the spiritual wholeness of the Health Science Center faculty.

To that end, a faculty renewal group has been formed and meets monthly. For more information contact Shirley Pavlu at Shirley.Pavlu@uth.tmc.edu

McGovern Center Student Group